Watch Batman: Arkham City (2011) Online Free Movie Streaming

- Title: Batman: Arkham City
- Year: 2011
- Duration: unknown
- Rating: 9,4
- Genres: Action, Adventure, Crime
Summary Batman: Arkham City (2011)
When part of Gotham is turned into a private reserve for criminals known as Arkham City, all hell is sure to break loose, and the Dark Knight is the only one who can stop it.
Two weeks following the events of Batman: Arkham City, several GCPD officers suddenly go missing. The culprit seems to be Harley Quinn, having escaped custody and undergone extreme mental stress following her recent loss. She has now taken over the industrial district of the old Arkham City site, which Batman infiltrates and ultimately gets himself captured so Robin will come to his rescue, and together, they can stop Harley and save the cops before the night is over.
Bruce Wayne is kidnapped whilst protesting the use of Arkham City, a dilapidated part of Gotham that is used to house the resident of Arkham Asylum. He is trapped inside the facility, forced to fight the most powerful criminals in Gotham, and confront Hugo Strange.
Following the events of Batman Arkham City Harley Quinn had gone underground for two weeks recruiting mercenaries from penguins crew, also recruiting Arkham Asylam prisoners from two faces crew and also taking over Jokers spot as leading commander for all of the joker clan goons. Following the recruiting of all the goons, some cops for the GCPD go missing in the industrial district which belongs to Harley. Batman tries to save the missing cops but is captured trying to save comissioner Gordon. Now it's up to Robin to save Batman.
Bruce Wayne is taken captive within the facility of Arkham City, a prison built in the abandoned part of Gotham City. After the prison, ran by the mad psychiatrist Hugo Strange, becomes a war zone between his greatest enemies, Bruce must stop everyone who stands in his way as the Batman.
Trapped in a metropolitan prison full of scum and villainy, Batman must thwart a conspiracy that is threatening the very heart of Gotham itself: and it all has to do with the dreaded Arkham City and its co-founder, Dr. Hugo Strange. Batman must stop Hugo's plans at all costs and liberate everyone in Arkham City, along with himself.
Synopsis Batman: Arkham City (2011)
After the incident at Arkham Asylum Mayor Sharp has walled off the middle of Gotham and turned it into a prison. Now gangs rival and war inside the prison and Mayor Sharp has put Hugo Strange I charge of the prison. Bruce Wayne decides to campaign to destroy Arkham City but is captured by Tiger Guards and taken to a prison within Arkham City and confronted by Hugo Strange. While in the prison you meet Jack Ryder and Cobblepot who tries to beat you up but being batman you attack him and his goons and escape to the roofs of Arkham City where you contact Alfred who sends the batsuit. Then you get to work.You, batman, realise you need to stay in Arkham and find out what's going on. Hugo Strange said something about protocol 10. You guess it's time to find Catwoman she usually knows what's going on. You took a tiger encryption key from a tiger guard and hack in to their security feed. It mentions that catwoman is held up inside the courthouse by twoface who threatens to kill her. Hugo Stranges orders them to stand down. You head inside and fight twofaces goons and save catwoman. While you're asking her about protocol 10 a sniper tries to take out catwoman. You use detective mode and try to find where the sniper came from. It came from the top of the church tower.
You head to the tower and listening to the dialogue from the guards outside you find out that jokers sick. You take out the guards and inside find Harley be continued
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